Track & Field Banner

Tournament Details:

What You Have Been Training For!

The tournament will be an open format with high score taking the pot. The number of athletes competing will determine the payout, and how many spots we pay.

  • Free Track & Field Games!
  • Chance to win the prize money
  • Championship membership card!
  • Become a local legend!
Track and Field Arcade Runner


  1. Must always have a beer while playing (We are Beer Drinkers you know!)
  2. A representative from BDOA, or a trusted member, has to be present for the score to be considered official.
  3. We will always play the max amount of players available. If there is four people, we will play four!
  4. Must play between 4pm-7pm. Games must begin before 9pm. Only for rare occasions will this change.
  5. Each athlete will play at least twice, and can play as many rounds as they want during the time limit. Players with less than two plays will be prioritized and will play before others with more games.
  6. We care about our athletes! If a player is injured, they must decide whether to continue or not. If the injury is serious and affects performance, BDOA may consider time extensions or other options.
  7. No External Tools! Players must use the arcade controls (buttons/joystick) without external tools or aids like spoons or straws.
  8. A BDOA representative has final decision on all matters.
Track & Field Arcade Game

Ready For Glory? Play in The T&F Tournament!

1-Year Membership – Beer Drinkers Of America

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $12.99.

You get a membership card, coaster, sticker and welcome letter to Beer Drinkers Of America! You also become a part of the BDOA family, and get access to all events!

88 in stock

SKU: membership